Saturday, May 5, 2007

Paris Goes to Jail

Let the outrage begin at the miscarriage of justice in California where Paris Hilton has been sentenced to 45 days in county jail for violating her probation.

During the hearing, Paris plead stupidity in defense of her actions.

"I'm very sorry, and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything. I'm sorry, and I did not do it on purpose at all," she told the judge before he announced the sentence.

She said that when an officer who stopped her in January made her sign a document stating her license was suspended, she thought he was mistaken and did not actually look at the document.

Her spokesman, Eliot Mintz, said at the time Hilton wasn't aware her license was suspended. A copy of the document Hilton signed on January 15 was found in the car's glove compartment, court papers say.

Hilton was also required to enroll in an alcohol education program by February 12. As of April 17, she had not enrolled, prosecutors said.

I'm sure Paris was just too burdened with the high-pressure of her many jobs as a "handbad designer," reality TV and film "star", fragrance namesake, and all-around socialite. She doesn't have time to read silly pieces of paper insignificant people like police officers give her! Come on!

And it's obvious that she was not raised this way. Her mother has complete respect for the law.

As a city prosecutor said during closing arguments that Hilton deserved jail time, Hilton's mother, Kathy, laughed. When the judge ruled, Kathy Hilton then blurted out: "May I have your autograph?"

(Upon leaving the courtroom) when a reporter asked what she thought of the judge's decision, a visibly angry Kathy Hilton responded: "What do you think? This is pathetic and disgusting, a waste of taxpayer money with all this nonsense. This is a joke."

I'm sure Paris just made a simple mistake. It's good to see she stood up like a responsible 26 year old and handled this herself.

Hilton had arrived at the Metropolitan Courthouse 10 minutes late and ignored screams of photographers as she swept in with her attorneys, mother and father, Rick Hilton.

Oh well, at least she's got her looks...

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